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Tips and advice

Program your trip well in advance, and contact the healthcare Institution you have chosen to undergo preventive tests. Please, clearly inform the language which is more comfortable for you to communicate in so that we can coordinate healthcare services with a specialist who is fluent in the language and the assistance of bilingual staff when necessary.

Please, bear in mind that if the executive checkup you have chosen includes a stress test. Therefore, you must include sportswear in your luggage including sports footwear to undergo this diagnostic test. When you travel do not forget any medications prescribed by your attending physician. Please, remember to clearly inform specialists about these medications when you have your appointment.

If it is necessary for the attending physician to know about some special health condition or previous treatment, the best thing is to include in your traveling documents a summary of your clinical history so that your specialist can learn about it in detail. Remember that executive and dental check-ups include some preventive healthcare tests. If during one of these tests, physicians detect a special condition, it is normal for physicians to order complementary tests, and patients are free to decide to undergo the tests or not. For a dental check-up, if you use a Bruxism Plate when you sleep, do not forget to include it when you pack your personal belongings and bring it with you to your appointment with your dental-care specialist.