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Transportation in Medellin

Metro: Medellin metro moves more than 400,000 daily. It is the only one of its type in Colombia and people from this region (Paisas) say the Metro is the pride of their region. The Metro offers the following routes: Line A: This line runs through the city from north to south, and line B moves through the city from the downtown area to the west of the city.

Metrocable: This is an aerial tram system for mass transportation to complement the Metro System, and the fare for this route is included in a Metro transfer ticket.

Metroplus bus system: It integrates the Metro and moves more than 164000 passengers. It begins its run in the Belen sector at UdeM station on calle 30 and carrera 87 in front of Universidad de Medellin. In the Industriales sector, this bus system has transfer stations to take the Medellin Metro.

City Buses: The city has a private urban bus system which services all city zones

Taxicabs: Taxi cabs in the city provide a 24/7 service 365 days a year. 

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